

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Alerts Via text message and email

With GPS Tracking Tracker's service plan, receive text messages and emails of any alerts you want to be notified of. Receive a notification as soon as your vehicle is in motion or arrives at a location. Set up perimeters that will notify you if your GPS device enters or exits a perimeter. Be notified of reckless driving such as if your child reaches a certain speed. GPS Tracking Tracker allows several alerts to be set up that will be sent directly to your phone or email. Alerts are just one of the many features that GPS Tracking Tracker provides.


Greg Rosen said...

Can I be notified every time my jewelry moves by text? I am a jewelry owner and would like to protect my expensive diamonds.

Unknown said...

Yes you may. Just go to "Account Level Alert Contacts" and from there select MMS or SMS. Then you would just type in your phone number and check off Motion. It's that simple!

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